The Ultimate Hottest H!P Member Vol. 12!! [OPEN FOR VOTES]
Posted by shirenu on July 5th, 2016 in Hello! Project, J-Pop, JPHiP, Music
That time of the year is here… 
Vote for the hottest H!P Members!
Posted by daigong on February 22nd, 2015 in JPHiP
10 Years We’ve Been Here. Same Pinkness. Can’t Stop. Won’t Stop. There is no denying what greatness
is. ITS THE PEOPLE! Best tightest friendliest community around who loves to party, keep it POSITIVE and most important FANDOM IT UP. We ain’t just gonna party for one day. Not even one week. WE GONNA DO IT ALL YEAR. Sending our wishes to everyone from around the globe near far wherever you are!
Lantis Festival in Las Vegas TICKET GIVE AWAY!!!
Posted by daigong on December 6th, 2014 in Concerts, J-Pop, J-Rock, JPHiP, Music, News
You read all about Lantis Festival bringing their show to the USA across 6 cities in 2015.NOW WIN YOUR WAY TO THE CONCERT!!

Thanks to Management Yaz, we at JPHiP are proud to giving away 2 pairs of tickets to Lantis Festival (1 pair for Friday, 1 pair for Saturday) including High Touch MEET and GREET with the artists at the end of the show! It’s EASY just PIMP your way!
– Share this link on Facebook, Retweet on Twitter, Repost on Instagram with hashtag #lantisinlasvegas #anisong #anime everyday
spread the word on blogs, forums, etc. and we’ll choose THE BEST PIMP!!
We’ll pick the Winners on December 20, YOU GOT TWO WEEKS!! Stay tuned to this thread for DETAILS!
Be Like Jabronisaur Day V (July 16, 2014)
Posted by daigong on July 16th, 2014 in JPHiP
~Good Deeds, Spreading Love, Be Positive~
It is hard to imagine five years has gone by since Tim “Jabronisaur” Marks aka Jabby has left this planet to look over us every day. Let us reflect upon this day and do that good deed. Whether it is donating to the local charity, thanking your bus driver, or showing a new member at JPHiP the way. Jab lives on forever in our hearts. This what we call Be Like Jabronisaur Day spreading love and POSITIVITY~ the JPHiP Way – the way Jab showed us in real life and online at
ChrNo, 我們想念你 we miss you…3 years
Posted by daigong on April 26th, 2014 in JPHiP
This day on April 26, we mark the third year since we lost our Dear Friend ChrNo. Berryz Miyabi Fangirl Supreme, Pun Enthusiast, Artist of our emoticons, Fanfic regular, Singer, Overall Legendary HiPster. She will never be forgotten.

So get your shirts and REPRAZENT. (available at JPHiP SHOP – all proceeds go to Mental Health Charities ($3.10 per shirt) will go to Mental Health Awareness charities based in France and worldwide: Spread Mental Health Awareness and DISCUSS. Let’s help each other: Discuss in the forum!

Share your
thoughts on ChrNo in the forum and of COURSE: SING ALONG TO THE SONG!!
HAPPY 9th Birthday JPHiP!
Posted by daigong on February 22nd, 2014 in JPHiP
Nine YEARS. It’s unbelievable how we grown and stayed together for this long, let’s go make more memories! February 22nd weekend, when we give THANKS TO YOU, DA HiPSTAZ for making JPH!P THE BEST PLACE IN ALL DA LAND.

This year, we mourned ultimate HiPster Fushigidane yet continue to soldier on for our fallen brethren marimari, Jabronisaur, and ChrNo. They would want it that way to build JPHiP into what we are today. From reporting from live events to expanding our fandoms to whatever we want. This what makes us stand out from all the rest, the HiPsterhood we make shit look so good. Our PARTIES LEGENDARY!! Expect more new and exciting developments on the main site, forum, and MORE!! WORLD TOURS MEET UPS HOOK UPS you name it, we’re doing it.
Introduction to Japan Expo USA 2013: The Festival Made for Us
This festival was made for us.
One only has to look at the guest and panel lineups for other larger cons in the San Francisco Bay Area to see that. Anime conventions are made for anime people. Guests are voice actors, writers, directors, etc., and panels are discussing various aspects of anime. Sometimes you’ll get a music act, but the trend is towards US-based acts, usually rock bands. The closest to idol culture you get are vocaloid, anisongs, and the occasional idol anime.
Japan Expo USA 2013 (August 23-25)
Posted by Slack on August 18th, 2013 in Event Reports, JPHiP, News
This weekend the JPHiP press team will be bringing you full coverage of Japan Expo USA, including event reports, photos, and more! Last year JPHiP got the chance to interview Kikkawa You before her trip to Europe for last year’s Japan Expo conventions in Orleans and Brussels. This time we will do our best to bring you JPHiP-exclusive interviews with as many of the guests as possible!