The Ultimate Hottest H!P Member Vol. 12!! [OPEN FOR VOTES]
That time of the year is here…

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The Ultimate Cutest H!P Member Vol. 12!! [OPEN FOR VOTES]

JPHiP Interview: Morning Musume。’16 @ Anime Matsuri 2016

Once again, JPHiP got the opportunity to interview Morning Musume。’16 during their most recent visit to America. This time, they’re in Houston as Guests of Honor to Anime Matsuri, one of the largest anime conventions in North America. Topics include the members’ thoughts on their favorite songs to perform, their favorite songs from the rest of Hello! Project, and what kind of new members they’d like to join the group. Read on to see what they had to say!
Rika Ishikawa Queen of Idols Turns 30
RIKA HITS DA BIG 3-0!!!! お誕生日おめでとうございます!30代もよろしくね‼︎
or as RIKA puts it in her blog “HELLO 30s!!” happy RIKA DAY! THANK YOU RIKA for being the inspiration to build
You inspire us with your POSITIVE thinking, constant self improvement, and just being silly NO FUCKS GIVEN. Without Rika, I would have not met some of my bestest friends in da whole wide world!! to quote my homie, Sab: RIKA IS GOD
JPHiP Interview: Email interview with Sayumi Michishige

Once you’ve read our concert report and our full interview with Morning Musume。’14, check out this email interview we were given with Morning Musume。’14’s former leader, Sayumi Michishige!
JPHiP Interview: Morning Musume。’14 @ New York City
JPHiP was given the chance to interview Morning Musume。’14 after their successful New York concert. Topics included their thoughts on New York, their fans, the new 12th generation members, and their new triple-A-side single, “TIKI BUN/Shaba Daba Do~/Mikaeri Bijin”. Read on to hear what these talented young ladies had to say!
Morning Musume。’14 Holds Solo Concert in New York City
On October 5th, popular Japanese idol group Morning Musume。’14 held a concert in New York City at Times Square’s Best Buy Theater. While the most diehard fans had started lining up soon after midnight, by the afternoon the line had grown to wrap around the entire block. Read on for the full details!
Morning Musume。’14 Live Concert in New York October 5 at Best Buy Theatre
NEW YORK, JUNE 2014 ― The Japanese all-girl idol group Morning Musume。’14 will perform a live concert for the 1st time in New York on October 5th at the well-known Best Buy Theater, located in the center of Broadway.
Schedule: October 5th, 2014 OPEN 3PM / START 4PM
Place: Best Buy Theater (1515 Broadway at W. 44th St. New York, NY 10036)
Tickets price: All Standing, pre-sale 42$
VIP TICKET: 100$ (limited to 200 tickets), including Early Entry, 1 Autographed VIP Pass Laminate and 1 CD + a handshake session ticket
On sale: Friday 20th June 2014 from 12:00PM (EDT)
Results of The Hello! Project International Fan Survey
Thank you to everyone who participated in our first Hello! Project International Survey, the response was amazing with over 3000 votes worldwide. Morning Musume ’14 took the honours with over 58% of the votes, while the most Hello! Project fans representing was from the United States.
Detailed results with map and charts are here: Thank you JPH!P Senior Correspondent Site Guru, Slack for setting it all up. This has been an amazing learning experience that will benefit H!P Fans worldwide.
The Hello! Project International Fan Survey
We have been commissioned to come up with statistics on which group Hello! Project Fans like (if you could only choose ONE) and where they are located. We’ll give this information back to Hello! Project Management so they can have an idea of where to go next! Just click on the SURVEY
Coming off the heels of events in 2013 where we saw LoVendoR and You Kikkawa come to America, this is an exciting time for overseas fans like YOU so make your voice heard!